SCRIP is a popular fund raiser because you don’t have to sell anything. All you do is make regular household purchases that you would make anyway. Groceries, clothing, toys, gifts, even gasoline can be purchased with SCRIP.
SCRIP is a term that means “substitute money.” When you purchase SCRIP, you’re purchasing negotiable gift certificates and pre-paid cards that are used just like cash. You can use SCRIP to purchase everyday items like food, clothing and other essentials, and with every purchase, you earn revenue for our School.
The Great Lakes SCRIP Center acts on behalf of churches, schools and other non-profits to purchase large amounts of SCRIP from grocery stores, department stores and other retailers. Because SCRIP is purchased with cash up front, the participating retailers offer a substantial discount. Our Parish buys SCRIP from the Great Lakes Scrip Center at a discount, and re-sells the certificates to families like yours for full face value. The discount, from 2 to 15%, is our Parish’s revenue used for School.
When you purchase the certificates, you will receive a voucher worth money for any Catholic School tuition (Grades Pre-K through College and PREP Programs). The credit voucher is based on the amount of certificates you buy and the discount for that particular store.
You do not need to have children in school to participate in this fund-raising activity. You may select to help a particular school family or designate your vouchers to the Parish Tuition Assistance Program (TAP).
Hours: Sunday 8:45a-12:30p; Monday, Wednesday-Thursday 9a-11a; Thursday 6:30-8:00p; Friday 8-11a; Saturday 9:30-11:30a. CLOSED TUESDAY.